

教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2020-01-15 | 點閱數: 1153
   Last Friday, LJIS conducted the third English Oral Test. The exam consisted of 2 parts: read aloud and Q&A.   This time, the oral topic is related to the students’ planning for the winter vacation. LJIS hopes that our students make the most use of their time, review the mate... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2020-01-08 | 點閱數: 856
      This week, Tr. Ben and Tr. Susan taught the students to draw mysterious portraits. They divided the paper into four equal parts, and they asked the students to draw hats, eyes, nose, mouth and other features in order, and finally use color pens to color the parts.   &nbs... 觀看完整文章
活動 lujiang - 校園快報 | 2020-01-07 | 點閱數: 1002
鹿江國際中小學預計於2020年2月7日舉辦科技融入教學的「鹿江未來教師」數位研習,主題為AR&VR跨領域課程設計,歡迎有興趣的老師一起加入科技時代的未來教師數位教學增能行列。請進入「教師在職進修網」報名,並填寫以下表單,若老師在教師在職進修網審核通過,代表我們已經收到您的表單,本研習恕不開放現場報名,研習當天請攜帶手機與筆記型電腦。   研習名稱:鹿江未來教師營—AR&VR跨領域課程設計與360度影片製作學習 研習代碼:2771459 日期:2020年2月7日(五) 時間:10:00—16:00 地點:鹿江國際中小學 1F哈佛講堂 ... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2020-01-03 | 點閱數: 1032
On Friday, December 27, an exhibition presenting the results from the school-based curriculum was held in LJIS. It’s called” LJIS Shinny Festival”. The exhibition was composed of two parts: students’ works and presentations from the school-based curriculum “Explore The World”, and the performance of... 觀看完整文章
公告 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-25 | 點閱數: 1150
鹿江國際中小學將在108/12/27(五)下午5:30-8:20於本校舉辦期末課程成果展–「回首與展望–鹿江星光祭」。 成果展分為兩部分:一是跨域素養課程,呈現本學期探索世界課程學習成果;二是南管傳統技藝課程,由學生組成南管樂團,演出音樂劇,歡迎對鹿江課程有興趣的家長及同學參加。 本次成果展配合音樂劇為「動物風」,與會來賓可自由搭配具動物花紋之衣物飾品,共享百獸之夜。 相關資訊請見節目表。  
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-17 | 點閱數: 1084
     At the Nanguan & Traditional Art Festival concert on Dec. 27th, LJIS students will present the learning results from one of the school-based curriculum: “Explore the world”, and show the design of tour packages of the international travel exhibition.     &nb... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-12 | 點閱數: 1505
   In preparation for the first issue of LJIS School Journal, we established a school journal editing club. The members of the team came from students who have ideas in language and art, and they are enthusiastic about the editing school journals.    Tr. Kimberley explained wh... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-11 | 點閱數: 1139
     Rope jumping is a high-intensity aerobic exercise. It helps burn calories in a short time, make the body more agile, and even improve the sense of balance and cardiopulmonary function.      Compared with other sports, the equipment required for rope jumping is s... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-06 | 點閱數: 1611
LJIS expects students to have diverse learning, build personal interests, so we support them in developing their potentials in school clubs. This semester, we have seven clubs: Brain GO STEAM, Science V-blogger, From local to global, Let’s dance, Wood puzzles, Music together and Art emoji. The... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-04 | 點閱數: 2014
   Last Friday, LJIS conducted the second English Oral Test. The exam consisted of 2 parts: read aloud and Q&A.    Compared to the first oral exam, students are calmer and well prepared. They waited in the conference room, and waited for their turn to take the exam. Studen... 觀看完整文章