

教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-06 | 點閱數: 1613
LJIS expects students to have diverse learning, build personal interests, so we support them in developing their potentials in school clubs. This semester, we have seven clubs: Brain GO STEAM, Science V-blogger, From local to global, Let’s dance, Wood puzzles, Music together and Art emoji. The... 觀看完整文章
公告 lujiang - 政令宣導 | 2019-12-05 | 點閱數: 469
一、「吸食菸(電子煙)品有害健康」,電子煙並無「幫助戒菸」、「減少菸癮」或「減輕戒斷症狀效果」等功效。 二、電子菸危害宣導資料        (1)董氏基金會-蔡依林「我拒菸,我驕傲」        (2)董氏基金會-電子煙背後靈影片        (3)電子煙30問        (4)泛科學影片-煙菸相報何時了-電子煙?加熱菸?關於新型菸品你該知道的五件事:https://youtu.be/qs7wPtZL0OQ
公告 lujiang - 競賽資訊 | 2019-12-05 | 點閱數: 611
公告 lujiang - 獎助學金 | 2019-12-05 | 點閱數: 627
一、推薦對象:就讀國內公立與已立案私立學校並具備中華民國國籍之108學年度在學學生。 二、推薦條件:受推薦人於逆境中,仍能奮發向上、樂觀進取,並具下列條件之一:        (一)發揮服務奉獻、孝行表現、友愛行為、體恤他人等情懷,對社會風氣有良善影響,足堪楷模者。        (二)語言、藝術、薪傳技藝、技能、科學、科技、資訊、體育、創新研發或其他領域,具有特殊才能,出類拔萃者。 三、實施計畫詳如附件。
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-12-04 | 點閱數: 2015
   Last Friday, LJIS conducted the second English Oral Test. The exam consisted of 2 parts: read aloud and Q&A.    Compared to the first oral exam, students are calmer and well prepared. They waited in the conference room, and waited for their turn to take the exam. Studen... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-11-29 | 點閱數: 1519
     Every Tuesday and Thursday during the lunch break, LJIS provides enhanced  training for students' language ability.      We provide Chinese lessons twice a week for our foreign students, Jerne-Adams. The courses include: everyday conversation, phonetic symbol... 觀看完整文章
lujiang - 榮譽榜 | 2019-11-27 | 點閱數: 718
狂賀 7年1班 林睿畇同學  參加彰化縣108學年度縣長盃武術錦標賽 國中女子組 榮獲 第一名
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-11-27 | 點閱數: 1122
          An experienced Nanguan teacher, Wu, Min-Cui, teaches the students traditional Chinese music in LJIS. She has been a member of Lukang Juying Society for years.           In her class, the students learn the techniques ... 觀看完整文章
教導處 程晴 - 校園快報 | 2019-11-22 | 點閱數: 1485
     On Tuesdays, in the course of Explore Lukang, LJIS teachers taught students to shoot and produce clips. Their latest task is to shoot a promotion video of the Nanguan & Traditional Art Festival concert on Dec. 27th.      The students were divided i... 觀看完整文章